6 Results for: (Concept:06879521-n)
60063 总之 许可 限制 弊端 暴露无遗 危机感 表现

All of them indicate that it is dangerous that the harmful effects of approval and regulation reached " the worst level . " (eng)

60281 土谷 自己 希望 弥补 材料 形象 差距 基础 创作 作品 保持 天然 状态 同时 得到 表现 直接 结合 形状

Tsuchiya himself has said , " I want to create works without having to make up the distance between the material and my image , " thus he attempts to directly develop his expression through form while preserving the natural state of the iron , wood or stone . (eng)

60282 并且 根据 材料 本身 魅力 创作 意图 表现 拟态 形状 内攻 转到 对于 动作 空间 现象 最初 关心 象征性 方式 表现 那样 展示 出来

Guided by the strength of the material , his work conceptually develops expression symbolically through imitative shapes that penetratingly explore an elemental attraction to the phenomena of movement and space . (eng)

60291 并且 坚持 追求 别人 没有 考虑 崭新 表现

He has continued to pursue novel and unique forms of expression . (eng)

60292 并且 敏锐 捕捉 时代 变迁 使 表现 形式 内容 形成 规模 从而 推动 时代

Moreover , his works , of which both content and form of expression subtly embody the transitions taking place in society , have consistently rattled the generations . (eng)

60298 秋山 就任 音乐 导演 三十 周年 而且 第四百 定期 演出 值得 纪念 机会 [ 得利 大厅 音乐 演奏会 形式 公演 贝尔 完成 歌剧 摩西 亚伦 演奏 作为 作曲家 一生 课题 宗教性 命题 艺术 表现 之间 问题 戏剧性 一气呵成 旧约 成立 场面 表演 感动

The concert performance at Suntory_Hall_of_Schoenberg 's unfinished opera , " Mose und Aron " , a work encompassing the themes of artistic expression and religion that were the composer 's life 's work , was a vivid expression and dramatic performance of the formation of the Old_Testament and an appropriate opportunity to mark the opera 's 400th season and Kazuyoshi_Akiyama 's 30th year as conductor . (eng)

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