8 Results for: (Concept:06770875-n)
10072 要是 这些 条件 苛刻 诺福克 照旧 孤寂 生活 '

In the last century , however , four successive heirs were of a dissolute and wasteful disposition , and the family ruin was eventually completed by a gambler in the days of the Regency . (eng)

11083 我们 罗伊洛特 医生 平时 立下 遗嘱 财产 全部 遗赠 附有 条件 我们 结婚 拨给 我们 一定 数目 金钱

But until she speaks , I can say nothing . (eng)

60042 目前 高知县 一般 事务 职员 招聘 日本 国籍 必要 条件

To be employed as a nonexempt employee of Kochi_Pref . , having Japanese nationality is essential . (eng)

60390 改善 女佣 劳动 条件 进行 活动 Asian Domestic Workers Union [ 亚洲 家庭 劳动者 协会 负责人 莱茜・伯罗冈 女士

This is according to Remi_Borongan , chairperson of the Asian_Domestic_Workers_Union , which is fighting for improvements in the employment conditions of maids . (eng)

60531 新闻社 独家 登载 棋谱 权利 交换 条件 转让 [ 日本 棋院

In exchange for the exclusive rights to the go records , both newspaper companies ceded the Honinbo name to the Japan_Go_Association . (eng)

61241 符合 这些 条件 国际 机构 工作 国际 公务员

Surely to be counted among those who are at the shortest distance from meeting these conditions are persons working in international organizations as " international civil servants . " (eng)

61335 根据 马约 加入 货币 同盟 国家 义务 实现 一定 经济 指标 财政 赤字 公债 余额 通货膨胀率 但是 欧盟 加盟 国中 符合 参加 货币 同盟 条件 人口 40万 卢森堡

According to the Maastricht_Treaty , the member states in the monetary union must meet the given economic indicators including budget deficit , outstanding public debt , inflation rate , but among the EU member states only Luxembourg , with a population of 400,000 , fulfills the conditions for joining the union . (eng)

62091 就是说 条件 西方 援助 俄罗斯 再生

Contingent on the foregoing , it was agreed that the West would provide assistance to Russia 's rebirth . (eng)

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Developers: Luís Morgado da Costa <lmorgado.dacosta@gmail.com> ; Francis Bond <bond@ieee.org>