7 Results for: (Concept:06606044-n)
42 我们 第一

705 1999 GNOME 仓促 1 教训 表明 即使 开源 项目 为了 进度 草率 发布 严重 影响 软件 质量

61324 迎来 过去 30 教训 发展 基础 为了 亚洲 世界 和平 稳定 建立 合作 关系 时代

With the lessons and growth over the last 30 years being the cornerstone , both Japan and South_Korea have entered an era to develop new cooperative relations for peace and stability in Asia and the world . (eng)

61903 政府 派遣 调查团 2月份 汇总 报告书 但是 结论 没有 应该 吸取 教训 日本 建筑物 安全 只是 指出 美国 标准 宽松性

While the government sent a group of researchers to the US and prepared a report in February , it concluded that , " there is no lesson to be learned and the structures in Japan are safe , " pointing out that America has weak standards . (eng)

61960 政府 执政党 在野党 重要 应该 首先 竭尽全力 致力于 阪神 地震 灾害 修复 对策 采取 万无一失 措施 使 灾民 尽早 摆脱 避难 生活 恢复 稳定 日常 生活 同时 努力 建立 通过 震灾 教训 得到 根本 防震 防灾 对策

The government as well as ruling and opposition parties first and foremost must concentrate their efforts on emergency recovery measures related to the Great_Hanshin_Earthquake , and in addition to taking action to help the victims to return to a stable daily life outside of the shelters as soon as possible , it should work on establishing the fundamental anti-earthquake and disaster prevention measures utilizing the lessons they have learned from the latest earthquake . (eng)

62002 希望 充分 汲取 教训

We hope that they will learn a great deal from there . (eng)

100958 中国 年糕 风俗 寓意 年年 主要 新年 可加 鸡蛋 煎炒 当然 全年 其他 时候 可以 糕点

Meaning “a greater or higher year” in Chinese, it is eaten steamed or pan-fried (and sometimes with egg) during this time for good luck, although it’s also available all year round. (eng)

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Developers: Luís Morgado da Costa <lmorgado.dacosta@gmail.com> ; Francis Bond <bond@ieee.org>