1 Results for: (Concept:06455990-n)
101247 观看 传统 仪式 最佳 地点 新加坡 中心 信徒 成群结队 这里 烧香 供奉 祭品 例如 祷文 水果 蜜桔 食物 乳猪 米饭 偶尔 专门 为此 制作 中国 糕点

The best places to watch how the traditional rites are practised in Singapore are in the soul of the heartlands , where fellow believers congregate to burn incense sticks and present their offerings in the form of prayer , fruit such as Mandarin oranges , food such as roasted suckling pig , bowls of rice and occasionally a local Chinese cake made especially for the occasion . (eng)

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