4 Results for: (Concept:06248968-n)
60859 [ 法国队 战术 策划者 马克・布艾 担任 船长

The skipper is Marc_Bue , former tactician on the French yacht . (eng)

60893 理由 激战 挑战者们 能够 实践 角逐 防卫者 比赛 战术 以及 美国 杯赛 登记 防卫者 挑战者

The reason is that the eight teams vying fiercely for the Challenger_'s_Cup must compete in more races and have more opportunities to hone their strategy than the three teams competing in the Defender_'s_Cup , as the yacht registration for the boats used in both the Defender 's and Challenger_'s_Series now falls on the same day . (eng)

60899 澳大利亚 国民 英雄 约翰.伯特兰 作为 船长 再度 出山 此外 新西兰队 船长 罗德・戴维斯 披挂 上阵 他们 比赛 战术 有口皆碑

John_Bertrand , the Australian national hero , has returned as skipper , and with the addition of Rod_Davis , who was the skipper for New_Zealand in the previous Cup competition , they have gained a reputation as the ones to watch . (eng)

60907 迪克森 细腻 大胆 比赛 战术 看点

Dickson 's elaborate and daring racing tactics are a sight to behold . (eng)

Language:    Concept:    C-lemma:    Word:    Lemma: SID (from): SID (to):    Sentiment:    POS: ? POS: ? POS: ? POS: ? POS: ? POS: ? POS: ? Limit:   

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