10 Results for: (Concept:06193203-n)
13453 Holmes sat silently with his head thrown back and his eyes closed in an attitude which might seem listless to a stranger , but which I knew betokened the most intense absorption .
47886 He had not seen this lonely man upon the tor , and could not feel the thrill which his strange presence and his commanding attitude had given to me .
50826 To me , who knew his every mood and habit , his attitude and manner told their own story .
60106 As " the Association_of_the_Supporters_of_the_Murayama_Administration and Promotion_of_Socialist_Democratic_Liberal_Politics , " which takes circumspect attitude towards the establishment of the new party , considers that " it is not too late to establish a new party after Upper_House election , " it will be difficult to reach a compromise .
60175 Dr._Brown also warned , " Another curtain will be drawn , between the East_European countries that join NATO and those that do not , " and opposed Mr._Kissinger'opinion saying , " NATO expansion is not reasonable in terms of strategy and politics , and we only have to warn Russia that in case it assumes an invasive attitude toward any of its neighbors , we will expand . "
61135 Social conditions show a mixture of only two extreme attitudes toward politics : pent-up discontent and avoidance or disenchantment .
61218 If we reach the stage where the " loosening of regulations " is no longer just a slogan but is entering a stage of specific action , there will be more examples in the business world of parties who show a passive attitude or even outright opposition .
61315 However , the South_Korean leaders ' attitude has changed since the former President_Chun_Doo_Hwan issued the statement on his standpoint by saying , " First and foremost , the responsibility for the nation 's history lies with its people themselves . "
61972 However , this makes politics difficult to understand and we must say that the attitude of these parties show an extreme dishonesty to the people .
104142 The internationally acclaimed Michael_Graves provides his signature style to Crockfords\xE2\x84 \xA2 Tower , Hotel_Michael\xE2\x84 \xA2 and Festive_Hotel\xE2\x84 \xA2 , while the Hard_Rock_Hotel_Singapore\xE2\x84 \xA2 blends five-star luxury with fun , fashion and rock attitude .

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