5 Results for: (Concept:05949726-n)
61429 屈服 政治 压力 果断 现职 首相 调查 情况 检察院 态度 以及 支持 行动 舆论 动向 予以 希望

The stance of the prosecution , holding its own under the political pressure , to go ahead with questioning the sitting prime minister and the trend of public opinion that supported the prosecution hold promise . (eng)

61442 [ 新闻社 实施 舆论 调查 显示 回答 支持 政党 44% 9月份 调查 增加 百分点 选举权 远离 政治 倾向 益发 加速

According to the opinion poll conducted last month by the Mainichi_Newspapers , 44 percent of respondents " do not support any party , " up 3 percent over the previous survey in September , thus indicating the further acceleration of voters ' " estrangement from politics . " (eng)

61814 新年 伊始 [ 美国 CNN 电视台 时代 周刊 发表 关于 克林顿 总统 舆论 调查 结果

CNN and Time_Magazine in the US announced the results of their public opinion poll concerning President_Clinton at the beginning of the New_Year . (eng)

61826 当然 指出 美国 政治 舆论 调查 人气 影响 弊端

It has certainly been pointed out that there is a down side to American politics : it is very much influenced by public opinion polls and popularity . (eng)

61968 政策 发挥 作用 对立 鲜明 政界 重组 进行 争论点 明确 表明 选择 方法 这样 即使 有心 征求 民意 选民 疑惑不解

In the midst of the political realignment with no clear agenda or opposite views , voters are completely confused for being asked to make a decision based on undefined points of dispute and options . (eng)

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