5 Results for: (Concept:05930386-n)
60061 航空界 上层 人物 叫苦不迭 如此 下去 航空 公司 早晚 成为 第二 赤字 充斥 国铁 JR 公司 首脑 因为 交通费 住宿费 服务费 国内外 价格 增大 警告 人们 产业 空洞化 现象 制造业 不断 其他 行业 扩展

Leaders of the airline industry cried , " The airline industry will soon become nothing but the second National_Railways_Corporation , which suffered from losses , " while executives of JR companies are warning against the increasing difference in the price of transportation , hotel , and service fees between Japan and overseas , saying , " de-industrialization is spreading from manufacturing industries to others . " (eng)

60147 似乎 执政党 在野党 倾注 期待 愿望 到底 村山 海部 预测 或许 出现 预料 之外 人物

Although these figures appear to reflect expectations and hopes of the ruling and opposition party members , I wonder which prediction will be right , Mr._Murayama or Mr._Kaifu , or if someone unexpected will be in . (eng)

60202 新加坡 英文 报纸 海峡 时报 三十一日 发表 读者 选出 一九九四 风云 人物

The Straits_Times , an English-language newspaper in Singapore , released on the 31st the " Persons of 1994 , " chosen by a poll of readers . (eng)

60203 破坏 受到 鞭挞 之刑 美国 少年 麦克・菲 压倒 英国 首相 梅杰 风云 人物 跃居

The top person of the year was an American boy named Michael_Fay , who suffered a flogging punishment for vandalizing a car , ahead all other " persons of the year , " including British_Premier_John_Major . (eng)

102282 装点 Tiger Mountain 熊猫 游乐园 Panda Playground 不同 区域 花灯 展示 财神爷 十二 生肖 华人 喜闻乐见 人物 形象

Watch and be amazed as the floating platform comes to life at night with magnificent lanterns portraying popular Chinese characters such as the God of Fortune and the animals of the Chinese Zodiac, each located at different areas such as the Tiger Mountain and the Panda Playground. (eng)

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Developers: Luís Morgado da Costa <lmorgado.dacosta@gmail.com> ; Francis Bond <bond@ieee.org>