10 Results for: (Concept:05919263-n)
60095 首相 记者团 发表 感想 虽然 突然 回到 大分县 受到 热烈 欢迎 感激 觉得 还是 故乡 增加 不负众望 努力 工作 决心

He told journalists , " In spite of my sudden return to Oita , the local people welcomed me warmly , so I was very grateful to them in my hometown . I felt that I must make further efforts in response to their anticipation . " (eng)

60543 第二 评价 并不 高川 挑战 棱角 分明 坂田 不同 起来 慢条斯理 高川 使 桥本 方寸 [ 日本 棋院 夺回 本因坊 地位

The following year he played against Takagawa , who was not such an esteemed player but whose style-unremarkable at first glance-differed from Sakata 's sharp-cornered tactics and succeeded in throwing off his game , thus reclaiming the Honinbo title for the Japan_Go_Association . (eng)

60577 也许 已经 特别 故事

Probably , he has already established the story of this special day in his younger heart . (eng)

60731 口气 不服 满怀 信赖 感情 产生 出来 安心 似乎 置信 无疑

There is a hint of complaint in her voice , but underneath it surely lies a sense of security born from their bonds of trust . (eng)

60867 形容 无底 水壶 夺杯 梦想 虽然 没有 实现 但是 大富翁 梦想 大海 浪漫 情怀 打动 众人

He never realized his dream of capturing the Cup , an event which has been described as " pouring water into a bottomless pitcher , " but many people were moved by the millionaire 's romance with the sea . (eng)

61167 如果 认为 继续 依靠 官僚制 无可奈何 另外 问题

It will be another matter if we just give up and see no other way but to continue to depend on bureaucracy . (eng)

61254 鼓舞 人心 现象

This is a heartening sign . (eng)

61829 改变 削减 财政 赤字 政策 支柱 克林顿 总统 迄今 为止 政策 即使 认为 为了 拉拢 人心 办法 决断

As this changes Mr._Clintons ' policy where reduction of the fiscal deficit had been the pillar , it is a decision that could only be seen as a popularity-seeking tactic . (eng)

61890 如果 这样 那么 考虑 灾害 基础 事后 对策 应该 课题

As such , follow-up measures based on the possible damage should be an issue we should always keep in mind . (eng)

61909 偶尔 地震 没有 袭击 人口 密集 城市 并且 震中 地区 远离 大陆 所以 使 人们 产生 怠慢

We wonder if there was a negligence among those involved as none of those four quakes struck overpopulated cities and , in addition , all of the epicenters were far away from land . (eng)

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