10 Results for: (Concept:05905348-n)
60175 Dr._Brown also warned , " Another curtain will be drawn , between the East_European countries that join NATO and those that do not , " and opposed Mr._Kissinger'opinion saying , " NATO expansion is not reasonable in terms of strategy and politics , and we only have to warn Russia that in case it assumes an invasive attitude toward any of its neighbors , we will expand . "
60207 According to the Segodnya newspaper dated the 30th , Vice_Prime_Minister_Vladimir_Polevanov emphasized , " We need the shift of governmental economic strategy , as well as stronger national leadership over businesses , " and announced , " We aim to adopt a bill to re-nationalize the firms that have been inappropriately privatized . "
60556 Takemiya 's " Uchu " style has a highly romantic early-game strategy , while Kato forcefully attacks in a so-called " Koroshiya " style .
60813 With this strategy he garnered the win in the Defender_'s_Series , and defeated the highly reputed Italian_Il_Moro di Venezia in the America_'s_Cup .
60893 The reason is that the eight teams vying fiercely for the Challenger_'s_Cup must compete in more races and have more opportunities to hone their strategy than the three teams competing in the Defender_'s_Cup , as the yacht registration for the boats used in both the Defender 's and Challenger_'s_Series now falls on the same day .
61148 Election campaigns , which had been unrestricted for the considerable part up to that time , were brought under stiff regulations by partisan interests and strategies .
61350 The conflicting positions of the two nations over the expansion strategy could impair German-French central role .
61627 However , quick and easy moneymaking schemes have caused countless dismal incidents in the past .
61682 Takeshi_Nagano , Chairman_of_Nikkeiren , the management 's designated headquarters for labor policies and strategy planning , has already launched the " zero-increase " policy .
62060 However , we are not so sure at all when it comes to the medium-term financial strategy .

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