10 Results for: (Concept:05902872-n)
10121 方面 假如 系统 相信 咱们 彻底 弄清楚

The bedrooms in this wing are on the ground floor , the sitting-rooms being in the central block of the buildings . (eng)

61891 确立 关系 切实 可行 救助 救援 政府 指挥 命令 系统 都道府县 活动 分担 活动 顺序

Such issues as the government chain of command leading up to the appropriate rescue work , relief effort , assignment of work among the central and local governments , operation procedures and other concerned issues must be addressed . (eng)

61941 问题 这些 救援 物资 尽快 送到 灾区 高效率 分配 当地 居民 系统 没有 充分 运作 一点

The problem is that the system to quickly deliver these relief supplies to the disaster area and to efficiently distribute them among the residents is not functioning properly . (eng)

62122 必须 提高 包括 电力 煤气 供给 系统 在内 政府 都道府县 市町村 相联系 纵向 危机 应对 管理 能力

They must brush up their skills in crisis response and management which is linked " vertically " in the national government , the prefectural and municipal governments including utility companies such as those for electricity and gas . (eng)

62130 应该 事先 建立 邻接 市町村 援助 系统

For example , wards and the neighboring municipalities could put in a support system among themselves . (eng)

62133 当然 居民 彻底 了解 系统 内容

It is a matter of course to provide the residents with the details of such system in full . (eng)

62136 市町村 之间 援助 系统

A very few systems of this sort exist among wards and municipalities . (eng)

101400 即使 太阳 尽情 享受 喜爱 高尔夫球 运动 因为 这里 裕廊 乡村 俱乐部 Jurong Country Club 安装 价值 300 美元 光照 系统 720 照明 错落有致 各处

Indulge in your favourite rounds of golf even after sunset with the S $ 3 million floodlight system with 720 lights that 's been strategically placed throughout the course at Jurong_Country_Club . (eng)

103163 使用 系统 情况 无法 接收 销售 统计 数据 发行 拷贝

No hard copies of the Statistical Publications would be sent to you using this system . (eng)

103170 事先 得到 STB 书面 许可 情况 幻灯片 / 录像带 / CD - ROM 不得 存储 任意 类型 任意 其他 检索 系统

The slides / video tapes / CD-ROMs shall also not be stored on any other retrieval system of any nature without the prior written consent of STB . (eng)



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Developers: Luís Morgado da Costa <lmorgado.dacosta@gmail.com> ; Francis Bond <bond@ieee.org>