10 Results for: (Concept:05901508-n)
60097 We will determine the organization policy of the new party at the extraordinary convention that is scheduled for around February 11 , and will be appealing to other parties and citizens ' organizations .
60099 Since " the New_Democratic_League " has not changed their policy to start a preparatory committee for their own new party this month , the executive members including Wataru_Kubo , General_Secretary_of_the_SPJ , will be forced to effectively manage the party in the difficult situation in which the party may split .
60107 For the time being , it is almost determined that only the organization policy will be decided at the convention of February , and our party will run in the unified local elections as the Socialist_Party .
60168 President Clinton is expected to compromise with the Republic_Party in diplomacy , in addition to his preceding policy shift in its favor following the defeat in the midterm election , with further confrontation between the U.S. and Russia being projected .
60174 Responding to this opinion , Dr._Brown , a senior researcher at Harvard_University , pointed out the possibility of causing Russia 's repulsion by the expansive policy of NATO , thus risking the country 's withdrawal from the Conventional_Forces in Europe .
60177 The Republican_Party has also recently started to push harder line policies , insisting , " It is unacceptable that Russia has a veto over the future of NATO or the U.S. role in Europe , " and , " The United_States shall act as the winner of the Cold_War . "
60205 Russian Vice_Premier and Chairman_of_the_State_Property_Committee_Vladimir_Polevanov , in charge of democratization policies of Russia , has clarified its basic principle of " Non-privatization and re-nationalization . "
60211 The Russian privatization policy was launched in October 1992 , under the leadership of Anatoliy_B._Chubais .
60264 Though this is the US secretary of transportation 's first visit to Taiwan based on the Clinton_Administration 's new policy toward Taiwan which approves of exchanges of economic ministers , Mr._Pena was very quick to get right down to business .
60265 Though Taiwanese authorities use this issue as political leverage , saying , " Taiwan will not approve the direct traffic until China changes its anti-Taiwan policy , " the business world is calling for the direct traffic for cost reduction .

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