10 Results for: (Concept:05901508-n)
138 李纳斯 开放性 方针 大教堂 模式 相同

60050 帮助 实现 这个 宿愿 产生 其后 日本 活力 占领军 实施 名曰 驱逐 公职 外压 政策 进行 更新 换代

It was a change of generations brought about by " external pressure , " or purging from public service by an occupation army that supported the wish and generated the power of Japan subsequently . (eng)

60084 世界 和平 方面 提出 宪法 允许 范围 日本式 国际 贡献 实施 贫困 饥饿 政策 非军事 领域 开展 活动 显示 摆脱 联合国 维护 和平 活动 中心 想法

Regarding " world peace , " he indicated activities in non-military fields such as measures against poverty and starvation as Japanese style international contributions within the range of the constitution , which implied a break away from focusing on United_Nations peacekeeping operations . (eng)

60168 认为 中间 选举 失败 以后 转为 共和党 政策 克林顿 总统 外交 做出 让步 担心 美国 俄罗斯 对立 进一步 加深

President Clinton is expected to compromise with the Republic_Party in diplomacy , in addition to his preceding policy shift in its favor following the defeat in the midterm election , with further confrontation between the U.S. and Russia being projected . (eng)

60178 克林顿 政权 打算 反对 北约 扩充 政策 自由派 后盾 对付 共和党 但是 看来 不得不 以前 叶利钦 政权 怀柔 路线 修改

Although the Clinton administration hopes to deal with the Republicans based on support from liberals who are against the expansion of NATO , it is viewed as certain that the President will be forced to substantially modify his original line to embrace Russia_'s_Yeltsin administration . (eng)

60205 负责 俄罗斯 私营化 政策 普列瓦诺夫 副总理 国家 [ 资源 管理 委员会 主席 提出 私营化 国有化 基本 方针

Russian Vice_Premier and Chairman_of_the_State_Property_Committee_Vladimir_Polevanov , in charge of democratization policies of Russia , has clarified its basic principle of " Non-privatization and re-nationalization . " (eng)

60206 程度 修改 前任 图拜斯 激进 私营化 政策 推测 叶利钦 政权 一九九五年 经济 运营 方面 值得 注意

This principle substantially modifies the radical privatization by his predecessor , Anatoliy_B._Chubais , and attracts a lot of attention as an indicator of the economic steering in 1995 by the Yeltsin administration . (eng)

60211 俄罗斯 私营化 政策 图拜斯 领导 九二年 十月 开始

The Russian privatization policy was launched in October 1992 , under the leadership of Anatoliy_B._Chubais . (eng)

60215 图拜斯 普列瓦诺夫 重新 修改 私营化 政策 表示 反对 意见 据说 政府 内部 普列瓦诺夫 获得 支持

Although Chubais tries to confront Polevanov 's policy of reviewing privatization , the latter is reported to hold more support in the Cabinet . (eng)

60264 克林顿 政权 同意 经济 部长级 进行 交流 尽管 访 根据 台湾 政策 进行 首次 访问 但是 美方 提出 商务 话题

Though this is the US secretary of transportation 's first visit to Taiwan based on the Clinton_Administration 's new policy toward Taiwan which approves of exchanges of economic ministers , Mr._Pena was very quick to get right down to business . (eng)

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