5 Results for: (Concept:05817743-n)
10082 Violence of temper approaching to mania has been hereditary in the men of the family , and in my stepfather 's case it had , I believe , been intensified by his long residence in the tropics .
48556 In that case , regarding Stapleton as an unmarried man , she counted no doubt upon becoming his wife . '
60062 " We imagine a terrible future in which one day the stock market suddenly disappears from Japan , " claimed financial institutions such as banks , security companies , insurance companies , and non-life insurance companies , and concerning the relief bank for credit unions that the government and the Bank_of_Japan established in the name of " maintenance of financial system order , " they are fearing that " using taxes for relieving ' bad ' financial institutions that lost sight of their responsibility in the bubble economy is being criticized by Cabinet members , because it may cause serious problems in case of failure . If this is the case , this will be a national-level crime . "
60258 This is not only the case with passenger planes .
60349 In the case of Toronto , the sudden appearance of Hong_Kong_Towns has not resulted in much social conflict .

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