10 Results for: (Concept:05750163-n)
60134 出生 剧增 背景 九○年 左右 开始 结婚

Behind this rapid increase in the number of births is the wedding boom started around 1990 . (eng)

60139 八十年代 第二 离婚 有所 升温

The " second divorce boom , " following the first in the early 1980s , seems to be arising . (eng)

61357 曾经 掀起 淘金 巴西 亚马逊河 流域 淘金者 任意 排放 可能 引发 第三 水俣病 忧虑

In the Amazon_River_Basin_of_Brazil , which was swept by the excitement of the gold rush , there is a grave concern over the outbreak of " the third incidence of Minamata_Disease " caused by the mercury gold diggers discharged into the river . (eng)

61364 流经 亚马逊河 上游 朗多尼亚州 波多韦柳 近郊 马代拉河自 1978年 出现 淘金

The Madeira_River , which runs through the suburbs of Porto_Velho in the Brazilian state of Rondonia upstream of the Amazon_River , has witnessed the gold rush since 1978 . (eng)

61621 宠物 发财 相联系 兴盛 起来

The " pet boom , " which has been linked to moneymaking operations , has been flourishing year to year . (eng)

100014 作为 购物 中心 著名 商户 Forever 21 占据 超过 空间 布满 流行 时髦 设计 精品 广 爱好 时尚 女性 购物 青睐

Spread over a sprawling four storeys , ladies will enjoy the trendy and varied designs available at Forever 21 's flagship store , meeting the guys later at Cotton_On to shop for basics , or Zara for designs from contemporary European designers . (eng)

100425 采用 开放 概念 大厅 装有 复古 Compton 风扇 家具 水池 富于 戏剧性 地位 餐厅 —— 大华 酒店 传统 时尚 巧妙 融合

From the open concept lobby with vintage Compton fans and furniture , to its dramatic pool that floats above the restaurant , New_Majestic_Hotel is a stunning and eclectic blend of heritage chic . (eng)

102425 如果 追逐 时尚 潮流 不妨 前往 新加坡 主要 购物 乌节 Orchard Road

For the latest in fashion trends , check out Orchard_Road which is Singapore 's main shopping district . (eng)

102818 前来 圣淘沙 前来 The Cliff 餐厅 郁郁葱葱 热带 植物 环绕 之中 获得 时尚 美食 体验

Enjoy a meal at The_Cliff in Sentosa and be delighted by the lush tropical greenery at this stylish sanctuary . (eng)

102870 餐厅 The White Rabbit 坐落 古色古香 不乏 时尚 元素 邓布西 Dempsey Hill 兼具 酒吧 功能 唯美 餐厅 庄严 神圣 教堂 改建

The White_Rabbit is a restaurant and bar housed in an awe-inspiring and beautifully- restored chapel off the antiquated but stylish Dempsey_Hill area . (eng)

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