5 Results for: (Concept:05661996-n)
801 马克·米勒 Mark Miller 埃里克·德雷克斯勒 Eric Drexler 关于 agoric systems 系列 开创性 文章 描绘 市场 一样 自然 生成 计算机 生态学

60054 带来 奇迹般 经济 发展 官僚 主导 体系 反而 成为 障碍 陷入 机能 状态

The bureaucrat-led system that brought about miraculous economic growth has now become an obstacle and even causes malfunctioning of the system . (eng)

61132 所谓 选举 制度 认为 出来 政治 体系 至高无上 英明 举措

The system called " election " is considered by far the best and wisest system among the political systems conceived by humankind . (eng)

61160 但是 希望 即便 花费 时间 一定 制定 立即 排除 胸无大志 候选人 体系

However , even if it may take a long time , we have to create a system to be able to expel immediately those candidates with low or no aspirations . (eng)

61466 政党 需要 排除 主见 政权 争夺战 离合 聚散 磨砺 政策 提案 能力 尽早 打出 理论 具有 协调性 同时 差别 各自 政策 体系

It is necessary for each party to eliminate the scramble for power and party dissolution or formation without any definite view of its own , cultivate the ability to propose policies , and , as soon as possible , hammer out an original policy system that is logically coherent and , at the same time , different from that for other parties . (eng)

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Developers: Luís Morgado da Costa <lmorgado.dacosta@gmail.com> ; Francis Bond <bond@ieee.org>