3 Results for: (Concept:05560244-n)
10337 魁伟 身躯 摊开 横躺 屋里

" Good heavens ! " she cried , " he has followed me , then . " (eng)

11166 正在 经受 剧痛 那样 翻滚 扭动 可怕 抽搐

" When I had taken the copy , I rubbed out the marks , but , two mornings later , a fresh inscription had appeared . (eng)

11521 我们 穿 树丛 草坪 正待 通过 窗子 进屋 突然 月桂树 窜出 状若 丑陋 畸形 孩子 东西 扭动 纵身 草坪 随即 飞快 跑过 草坪 消失 黑暗

Take it back -- you ! (eng)

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Developers: Luís Morgado da Costa <lmorgado.dacosta@gmail.com> ; Francis Bond <bond@ieee.org>