10 Results for: (Concept:05388805-n)
11288 Mr. Hilton Cubitt had been shot through the heart .
11339 The bullet had been fired at him from the front , and had remained in his body , after penetrating the heart .
46232 ' He was running , Watson - running desperately , running for his life , running until he burst his heart and fell dead upon his face . '
47110 ' His nerves were so worked up that the appearance of any dog might have had a fatal effect upon his diseased heart .
47112 I feared that some disaster might occur , for I was very fond of the old man , and I knew that his heart was weak . '
47515 The man is a striking- looking fellow , very well equipped to steal the heart of a country girl , so that this theory seemed to have something to support it .
48400 My heart leaped within me as I saw it .
48418 As I set it down again , after having examined it , my heart leaped to see that beneath it there lay a sheet of paper with writing upon it .
49366 Stapleton , as I will continue to call him , knew that the old man 's heart was weak and that a shock would kill him .
60759 The hearts of the sailors race as they carry on 144 years of tradition ; new life has been brought in by the first ever all-women's crew , and the 11 syndicates , comprising 6 countries , willing to go all the way to win the sole honor , the " One_Hundred Guinea " Cup , have high expectations .

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