10 Results for: (Concept:05217859-n)
11337 Our first attention was given to the body of the unfortunate squire , whose huge frame lay stretched across the room .
11339 The bullet had been fired at him from the front , and had remained in his body , after penetrating the heart .
11345 I would suggest that Mr. Cubitt 's body may now be removed .
18932 Any attempt at recovering the bodies was absolutely hopeless , and there , deep down in that dreadful cauldron of swirling water and seething foam , will lie for all time the most dangerous criminal and the foremost champion of the law of their generation .
45992 I remarked the change in the shape of the prints after that point , I noted that there were no other footsteps save those of Barrymore on the soft gravel , and finally I carefully examined the body , which had not been touched until my arrival .
45996 He said that there were no traces upon the ground round the body .
46013 ' The marks were some twenty yards from the body , and no one gave them a thought .
60681 Concerning the murder case of Mari_Uehara , the eldest daughter of Atsushi_Uehara , a company employee from Anesaki , Ichihara_of_Chiba , the ad hoc task force comprising the homicide section of Chiba_Prefectural_Police and the Ichihara_Police_Station arrested on the evening of December 31 Toru_Uehara , a bookseller and Mari 's uncle and cohabiter , on charges of her murder and abandonment of her body , following the preceding arrest on suspicion of kidnapping her , a minor , on the previous day .
60682 According to the police investigation , the suspect picked up Mari , who came back from a friend 's home in neighborhood , with a light sedan in front of their home around 5:10 p.m. , December 28 , drove her about three_kilometers to the south , and let her out of the car in the precincts of an industrial water treatment plant in Daijuku , Sodegaura_of_Chiba ( belongs to Prefectural_Corporation_Agency ) , strangled her to death , and abandoned her body in a bamboo forest nearby .
61616 In the case of the illegal disposal of a body that is currently the focal point of the investigation , it is believed that having been told by the dealer that " breeding dogs is lucrative , " the company executive purchased a male-female pair of large-sized dogs native to Africa , but he only received one dog and got in trouble when he asked the dealer for the cancellation of the contract and a partial refund of the payment .


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