2 Results for: (Concept:05157406-n)
46463 Then he dashed in wild pursuit amid the stream of the traffic , but the start was too great , and already the cab was out of sight .
61375 In advance of the intergovernmental cooperation , we wish to make special mention of the private organizations and citizens who made explorations into the Amazon and getting a head-start on investigations and research , including Masazumi_Harada , Assistant_Professor at the University_of_Kumamoto , Tadashi_Fujino_MD_of_the_Minamata_Kyoritsu_Hospital , Junko_Nakanishi , Professor at the Center_for_Environmental_Safety in the University_of_Tokyo , the National_Liaison_Conference_of_Minamata_Disease_Victims and Defense_Counsel , and other concerned parties .

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