5 Results for: (Concept:05084067-n)
11612 斯托 小姐 听到 金属 哐啷 明显 由于 继父 急急忙忙 可怕 关进 保险柜 引起

100425 采用 开放 概念 大厅 装有 复古 Compton 风扇 家具 水池 富于 戏剧性 地位 餐厅 —— 大华 酒店 传统 时尚 巧妙 融合

From the open concept lobby with vintage Compton fans and furniture , to its dramatic pool that floats above the restaurant , New_Majestic_Hotel is a stunning and eclectic blend of heritage chic . (eng)

101797 Muthu 咖喱 饭馆 新近 装修 店面 温馨 深色 地板 开放 概念 厨房 烤炉 风格

Newly refurbished with warm wall hangings and dark wood flooring , Muthu_'s_Curry features an open concept kitchen and Tandoor ovens . (eng)

101939 作为 新加坡 垂直 商场 乌节 中央 Orchard Central 开放 并且 心动 购物 场所

As Singapore 's tallest vertical mall , Orchard_Central is an exciting and inviting spot to do your shopping . (eng)

103080 怡丰城 拥有 一系列 艺术品 开放 儿童 游玩 操场 以及 屋顶 圆形 剧场

Japanese architect Toyo Ito has made full use of wide open spaces to ensure it is full of vitality and energy, and VivoCity is also home to a series of artworks, has an open-air playground for the kids and a rooftop amphitheatre. (eng)

Language:    Concept:    C-lemma:    Word:    Lemma: SID (from): SID (to):    Sentiment:    POS: ? POS: ? POS: ? POS: ? POS: ? POS: ? POS: ? Limit:   

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Developers: Luís Morgado da Costa <lmorgado.dacosta@gmail.com> ; Francis Bond <bond@ieee.org>