5 Results for: (Concept:04800152-n)
61877 不过 看到 地震 当地 情况 引起 不安 国民 一定 很多

But seeing the images of the disaster area after the earthquake has struck must have increased the anxiety of many people . (eng)

61941 问题 这些 救援 物资 尽快 送到 灾区 高效率 分配 当地 居民 系统 没有 充分 运作 一点

The problem is that the system to quickly deliver these relief supplies to the disaster area and to efficiently distribute them among the residents is not functioning properly . (eng)

62111 当地 自治体 混乱

Also , there were huge confusions in the prefectural and local governments . (eng)

101767 当地 称为 易通卡 ez - link card 储值卡 可以 位于 指定 地铁 通联 售票 TransitLink Ticket Office 购买 而且 标准 车票 可以 位于 所有 地铁 一般 售票机 General Ticketing Machines 购买

Stored value cards , locally known as ez-link cards , can be purchased from the TransitLink_Ticket_Office located at selected SMRT stations , and standard value tickets may be purchased from General_Ticketing_Machines ( GTMs ) located at all SMRT stations . (eng)

101989 负责 维护 这些 公园 国家 公园 管理 National Parks 公园 保护区 提供 许多 指导 旅行 自然 小径 远足 项目 所以 可以 了解 新加坡 当地 动植物 生态 保护 情况

National Parks , the body responsible for maintaining these parks , also offers a variety of guided tours and nature trails in parks and reserves , so you can learn more about native flora and fauna and eco-conservation in Singapore . (eng)

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Developers: Luís Morgado da Costa <lmorgado.dacosta@gmail.com> ; Francis Bond <bond@ieee.org>