1 Results for: (Concept:04784978-n)
60175 警告 加盟 北约 没有 加盟 东欧 国家 之间 垂下 帷幕 反驳 北约 扩充 没有 战略 政治 合理性 警告 一下 俄罗斯 周边 国家 采取 侵略 态度 情况 扩充 足够 意见

Dr._Brown also warned , " Another curtain will be drawn , between the East_European countries that join NATO and those that do not , " and opposed Mr._Kissinger'opinion saying , " NATO expansion is not reasonable in terms of strategy and politics , and we only have to warn Russia that in case it assumes an invasive attitude toward any of its neighbors , we will expand . " (eng)

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