6 Results for: (Concept:04688246-n)
13750 I should have thought those larger windows of the drawing-room and dining-room would have had more attractions for him . '
46843 There is this naturalist Stapleton , and there is his sister , who is said to be a young lady of attractions .
60282 Guided by the strength of the material , his work conceptually develops expression symbolically through imitative shapes that penetratingly explore an elemental attraction to the phenomena of movement and space .
61851 On how the LDP handled the constitution issue , which attracted great attraction , initially it presented a watered-down report for the amendment .
101886 The Chinatown_Business_Association has taken efforts to gather and introduce these heritage brands to visitors , highlighting the rich Chinese cultural heritage and attractiveness of long established heritage brand names .
103403 Cosmetics are another big attraction here , with perfumes , makeup and other beauty products for sale , and a number of decently priced beauty salons nearby .


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