4 Results for: (Concept:04680285-n)
11171 斑点 带子 '


60303 作为 恩师 楠部 弥壹 之后 大梁 接班人 可以 理所当然 楠部 先生 称为 彩挺 艳丽 修饰 方法 相比 今井 修饰 方法 并不 色彩 运用 精致 镶嵌 技术 自由 表现 花纹 创出 独特 风格

This is a matter of course as he shoulders the legacy of his teacher , Yaichi_Kusube , but whereas Kusube devoted himself to the elegantly decorative Saitei style , Imai 's style is not colorful , but rather uses an intricate inlay technique to create the unrestrained designs that have become his own unique style . (eng)

60304 作品 华丽 熟练 镶嵌 技巧 得到 花纹 表现力 没有 能够 模仿

His works would not be called exquisite , but his expert skill in inlay technique lends his designs powers of expression that are unmatched to my knowledge . (eng)

60306 今后 陶瓷 工艺品 期待 器皿 形状 花纹 一体化 更加 自由 表现 但愿 奇妙 形式化 束缚 解脱 出来

I expect his future work to incorporate freer expression uniting shape with design , while I would like to seem him move away from oddly conventional shapes . (eng)



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Developers: Luís Morgado da Costa <lmorgado.dacosta@gmail.com> ; Francis Bond <bond@ieee.org>