4 Results for: (Concept:04603081-n)
60398 据说 家务 工作 签约 来到 香港 雇主派 工场 工作 事例 很多

There are numerous examples of women coming to Hong_Kong with a domestic help contract , only to be asked by their employers to work in other places , such as factories . (eng)

100236 小小 印尼 上乘 服饰 家族 经营 工作 新加坡 已经 70 历史 专营 色彩 斑斓 印尼 蜡染 印花 物美价廉

This family business has been around in Singapore for more than 70 years , and sells affordable and colourful Indonesia batik , ranging from men 's and women 's shirts to bags and fabrics sold by the metre . (eng)

100238 Basharahil 蜡染 印花 布艺 出售 丝绸 其他 各种 用于 制作 马来 传统 服饰 布料

Basharahil_House_of_Batik has chiffon , silk and other fabrics , which can be made into traditional Malay outfits . (eng)

100240 位于 人流 阿拉伯 适中 价格 热情 服务 驰名 新加坡

Suitably located in the bustling Arab_Street , the shop is well known throughout Singapore for its affordable prices and friendly service . (eng)

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Developers: Luís Morgado da Costa <lmorgado.dacosta@gmail.com> ; Francis Bond <bond@ieee.org>