10 Results for: (Concept:04587648-n)
11126 房间 窗子 朝向 草坪

When you have collected some fresh evidence , come to me again . (eng)

11156 晚上 暴风雨 外面 狂风 怒吼 雨点 劈劈啪啪 窗户

" Yes , I saw him at his work . (eng)

11187 证明 房门 总是 室内 门锁 锁住 窗子 带有 宽铁杠 老式 百叶窗 晚上 严严

At last I got clear , but by the time I had opened the door and reached the house the creature was gone . (eng)

11347 窗子 已经 破碎 木板 堵着 房顶 部分 坍陷 完全 荒废 残破 景象

He had turned suddenly , and his long , thin finger was pointing to a hole which had been drilled right through the lower window- sash , about an inch above the bottom . (eng)

11349 可是 右首 房子 比较 窗子 窗帘 低垂 烟囱 袅袅 说明 这里 居住 地方

" Because I looked for it . " (eng)

11351 福尔摩斯 那块 草草 修剪 草坪 缓慢 走来走去 十分 仔细 检查 窗子 外部

Then a third shot has been fired , and therefore a third person must have been present . (eng)

11360 里面 当然 窗子

" How do you prove that ? " (eng)

11361 不过 一些 非常 窄小 窗子

" Because the candle was not guttered . " (eng)

11366 福尔摩斯 十分 仔细 检查 窗子 然后 用尽 方法 打开 百叶窗

" But how came the window to be shut and fastened ? " (eng)

11375 房间 抽屉 褐色 橱柜 安置 窄窄 白色 床罩 窗子 左侧 梳妆台

I should like to see Mrs. King , the cook , again . (eng)

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