10 Results for: (Concept:04546855-n)
10319 妻子 挨近 窗户 地方 蜷着 脑袋

From amid the branches there jutted out the grey gables and high roof-tree of a very old mansion . (eng)

11188 墙壁 仔细 发现 四面 坚固 地板 经过 彻底 检查 结果 一样

He had left a trace of his presence , however , for there on the door was the very same arrangement of dancing men which had already twice appeared , and which I have copied on that paper . (eng)

11209 房子 西边 耳房 开始 进行 修缮 卧室 墙壁 所以 不得不 搬到 姐姐 丧命 房间 床上

" I must go back to-day . (eng)

11248 可是 如果 女士 地板 墙壁 受到 什么 破坏 门窗 烟囱 进去 这些 情况 没有 的话 那么 姐姐 莫名 奇妙 死去 无疑 屋里

" I suppose that you are the detectives from London ? " said he . (eng)

11346 邸宅 灰色 石头砌 石壁 布满 青苔 中央 部分 高高 矗立 弧形 边房 蟹钳 延伸

" So it would seem , " said Holmes . (eng) " Perhaps you can account also for the bullet which has so obviously struck the edge of the window ? " (eng)

11350 靠山 一些 脚手架 石头 部分 已经 凿通 但是 我们 到达 那里 见到 工人 迹象

" Wonderful ! " said the country doctor . (eng) " You are certainly right , sir . (eng)

11376 这些 家具 加上 柳条 椅子 这个 房间 全部 摆设 只是 当中 方形 威尔顿 地毯 而已 房间 四周 木板 嵌板 蛀孔 斑斑 棕色 栎木 十分 陈旧 并且

You said , Mrs. King , that you were awakened by a LOUD explosion . (eng)

11391 最后 走到 目不转睛 打量 好一会 下来 回瞅

" I thought so , " said he , " the revolver had an ejector , and here is the third cartridge . (eng)

61113 三十一日 下午 三点五十分 左右 京都 市南区 边町 经营 废品 回收 加藤 二郎 110 报警 自家 起居室 装有 娃娃 玻璃 盒子 打碎 弹痕

At around 3:50 p.m. , December 31 , Jiro_Kato , a waste recycler from Kawabe-cho , Higashi-kujo , Minami-ku_of_Kyoto_City , dialed the emergency number to report , " A glass doll case in the living room on the first floor of my house is broken , and there is a crater in the wall that seems like a bullet hole . " (eng)

61114 [ 警署 调查 穿透 起居室 木窗 玻璃窗 射到 洞穴 屋顶 房檐 外墙 弹痕

The Kujo_Police_Station found three bullet holes in all , the one in the living room , shot through the shutter and glass window to lodge in the wall ; one in the eaves of the second-floor roof ; and another on the outer wall . (eng)

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Developers: Luís Morgado da Costa <lmorgado.dacosta@gmail.com> ; Francis Bond <bond@ieee.org>