10 Results for: (Concept:04407435-n)
60673 参拜 神社 佛堂 道路 三十一日 夜晚 黑压压 挤满 焦急 等待 新年 拜谒 人们

On the night of December 31 , approaches to temples and shrines nationwide were jam-packed with people who could not wait until New_Year_'s_Day to pay the year 's first visit . (eng)

100257 舞者 新加坡 印度 高雅 艺术 协会 接受 培训 印度 斯里 尼瓦沙柏鲁马 兴都 进行 表演

The Singapore_Indian_Fine_Arts_Society trains dancers and holds performances in temples such as the Sri_Srinivasa_Perumal_Temple in Little_India . (eng)

100291 佛牙寺 龙华院 博物馆 位于 牛车水 中心 地区 展现 新加坡 宗教 艺术 文化 方方面面 仍然 焕发 生机 文物 古迹 供奉 佛教徒 圣物 —— 佛牙 舍利 置于 信徒 捐资 打造 320 千克 舍利塔 之中

It also houses what Buddhist leaders regard as the Sacred_Buddha_Tooth_Relic in a stupa composed of 320kg of gold donated by devotees . (eng) The Buddha_Tooth_Relic_Temple_&_Museum is a living cultural monument in the heart of Chinatown featuring exhibitions relating to various facets of religious arts and culture of Singapore . (eng)

100292 著名 禅师 —— 释法照 法师 设计 海内外 顾问 团队 帮助 得以 修建

The building was conceptualised and designed by local venerable Shi_Fa_Zhao , aided by a team of local and overseas consultants . (eng)

100294 因此 探访 众多 文物 古意 领悟 颇多

So expect to find lots of references to both aspects , such as bone and tongue relic elements . (eng)

100296 其它 重要 景点 包括 佛教 文化 博物馆 著名 僧伽 纪念馆 三藏 殿 以及 定期 举办 相关 表演 讲座 展览

Other highlights found in this building include the Buddhist_Culture_Museum , Eminent_Sangha_Museum , Tripitaka_Chamber , and a Theatre for cultural performances , talks and films . (eng)

100428 这里 汇集 众多 宗教 地标 建筑 其中 看到 印度 兴都 清真寺 身影 四周 中式 建筑 相映成趣

There are also several prominent religious landmarks in the area and you might be surprised to see that there are also Hindu temples and mosques amongst them . (eng)

100429 马里安曼 兴都 詹美 回教堂 位于 桥南 新加坡 古老 朝圣 地点

Both the Sri_Mariamman_Temple and Jamae_Mosque on South_Bridge_Road are among the oldest places of worship in Singapore , while a little further on down the road , you can also find the visually stunning Buddha_Tooth_Relic_Temple , which reputedly contains a tooth of the Buddha . (eng)

100430 沿着 步行 壮观 宏大 佛牙 展现 眼前 供奉 珍贵 佛牙 舍利

Both the Sri_Mariamman_Temple and Jamae_Mosque on South_Bridge_Road are among the oldest places of worship in Singapore , while a little further on down the road , you can also find the visually stunning Buddha_Tooth_Relic_Temple , which reputedly contains a tooth of the Buddha . (eng)

100430 沿着 步行 壮观 宏大 佛牙 展现 眼前 供奉 珍贵 佛牙 舍利

Both the Sri_Mariamman_Temple and Jamae_Mosque on South_Bridge_Road are among the oldest places of worship in Singapore , while a little further on down the road , you can also find the visually stunning Buddha_Tooth_Relic_Temple , which reputedly contains a tooth of the Buddha . (eng)

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