5 Results for: (Concept:04405907-n)
61006 访问 发现 电视机 小屋

When I visited her family 's home on the island , their television was arranged on the earthen floor . (eng)

61025 外出 做工 家庭 多半 电视 摩托车 但是 丈夫 写到 工作 辛苦 回家

Most of the households who have someone working elsewhere have bought TVs or motorbikes , but in his letters the husband writes , " The work is hard . I want to go home . " (eng)

100779 可以 电子 产品 商场 中心 森林 广场 分布 层楼 众多 商店 销售 各种 电子 产品 包括 家用 电器 计算机 软件 电视

One large malls which specialise in electronics is the Funan_DigitaLife_Mall , which features several floors of shops selling appliances , computers , software and household electronics such as televisions . (eng)

101635 马来 电视 综艺 节目 经常 见到 Zapin 因为 本质上 喜庆 音乐 joget 受到 葡萄牙 非常 深远 影响

Zapin is frequently used in variety shows on Malay television today as it is most festive by nature , while the joget possesses strong Portuguese influences . (eng)

102837 电视 屏幕 分贝 流行音乐 商场 定期 开展 促销 活动 因此 麒麟 大厦 人声鼎沸 很少 安静 时候

The atmosphere is here is highly energetic , with popular music and videos being showcased on huge video screens on the facade . (eng)

Language:    Concept:    C-lemma:    Word:    Lemma: SID (from): SID (to):    Sentiment:    POS: ? POS: ? POS: ? POS: ? POS: ? POS: ? POS: ? Limit:   

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