7 Results for: (Concept:04341686-n)
61900 If we comment on that prediction , what shocked many people was that after persistently hearing that " because there are so many earthquakes in this country , Japan has the best quake-resistant structures in the world , " their faith in their safety had been badly shaken .
61901 In particular , the collapsed elevating structures for expressways which had been supposedly able to withstand the magnitude equivalent to that for the Great_Kanto_Earthquake as well as the fallen bridges for the bullet trains which had been the creme de la creme this engineering giant had to offer further increased the nation 's fear and anxiety .
61903 While the government sent a group of researchers to the US and prepared a report in February , it concluded that , " there is no lesson to be learned and the structures in Japan are safe , " pointing out that America has weak standards .
62064 The budget was prepared with the ideas of expansion of the bullet train lines , expressways , ports and harbors , bridges and other structures being the priority .
101422 Built originally as a wood and attap structure by Indian pioneer Narayana_Pillai ( who arrived in Singapore with Raffles ) , the temple was later replaced by a brick building .
102220 The main prayer hall can hold up to 5,000 worshippers , and is one of the biggest and most amazing religious structures in Singapore .
103274 A Kavadi consists of two semicircular pieces of wood or steel which are attached to a cross structure that can be balanced on the shoulders of a devotee .

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