8 Results for: (Concept:04199027-n)
10512 I confess that I felt easier in my mind when , after following Holmes ' example and slipping off my shoes , I found myself inside the bedroom .
50849 ' It is simplicity itself , ' said he ; ' my eyes tell me that on the inside of your left shoe , just where the firelight strikes it , the leather is scored by six almost parallel cuts .
101452 Beaded shoe and Kebaya ( traditional Peranakan dress ) making , as well as food sampling , can also be experienced here .
103057 In the annual Chingay_Festival , members of the public are also encouraged to put on their dancing shoes and join in the fun .
103621 One particular highlight is the bespoke female shoes she makes using glass beads .
104029 Browse through a wide selection of cushion covers , bed linen , shoes , Kashmir silk , beads , bangles and baubles , or select from figurines of Buddha , a pantheon of Hindu gods and unique wood and stone carvings .
104228 Another interesting option is the Bugis_Street_Market once considered to be Singapore 's most notorious red light area , it now offers you a bustling three-level hive of shops selling clothes , shoes and accessories at bargain prices .
104323 do not forget to take off your shoes and socks as you step into the main hall .

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