10 Results for: (Concept:03959485-n)
100786 Jaan 除了 非凡 景致 优雅 用餐 过程 引领 着法 美食 上升 全新 高度 菜肴 口味 食客 带来 惊喜 连连 菜肴 殿堂 艺术 呈现 惊艳 视觉 美感

Besides its stunning view , Jaan also takes Essentialist dining to greater heights with elegant meal courses , adding surprising touches in taste and impressive life-like interpretations of museum quality displays . (eng) Expect to enjoy dishes that revolutionise taste with a creative combination of art , whimsy and culinary mastery . (eng)

100892 所以 无论 何时 希望 品尝 鲜美 那么 一定 五星 海南 —— 新加坡 国菜 首选

So whenever you 're craving that plate of aromatic Hainanese chicken rice , be sure to think of Five_Star_Hainanese_Chicken_Rice , home to one of Singapore 's national dishes . (eng)

100949 萝卜糕 过程 十分 有趣 摊主 煎蛋 一样 食材 切成 方块 发出 锵锵 砰砰 声音 必定 不忍 移开 目光

The process of cooking carrot cake is a fun-filled one , with hawkers chopping the omelette-like dish on their hot plates into squares ; there 's a lot of clanging sounds , chopping thuds and quite a bit of theatre , so stick around to see your dish being whipped up . (eng)

101471 餐馆 可以 各种 华人 古董 包括 新加坡 丰富 华人 藏品

Within the restaurant , you can view Peranakan antiques , including one of the largest Peranakan porcelain plate collections in Singapore . (eng)

101799 这里 多数 菜肴 带来 地道 用餐 体验

Most of the dishes are served on banana leaves , creating an authentic dining experience . (eng)

101828 挑选 自己 喜爱 美食 自己 米饭

Nasi padang dishes are typically shared like a mini buffet with friends or family , each member helping himself to his personal favourites and placing a scoop of everything on his plate of rice . (eng)

101914 音乐 体验 交互 尽情 释放 长久 以来 内心 音乐 热情 渴望

This larger than life music experience let 's you unleash your inner DJ with its interactive scratch pad . (eng)

101914 音乐 体验 交互 尽情 释放 长久 以来 内心 音乐 热情 渴望

This larger than life music experience let 's you unleash your inner DJ with its interactive scratch pad . (eng)

102873 可以 暖暖 菠菜 沙拉 作为 开胃 然后 美味 鹅肝 奶酪 通心粉 口福

Start with a warm spinach salad then dive into the delicious pan fried foie gras or mac & cheese . (eng)

102907 印度 一般 香蕉 金属 盛装 旁边 佐餐 木豆 酸辣酱

An order of thosai comes complete with dhal and splashes of dips like chutney , typically served on a classic metal plate with banana leaf . (eng)

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