3 Results for: (Concept:03790512-n)
60706 摩托车 冒险家 风间深志 妻子 惠美子

The wife of adventure rider Fukashi_Kazama , Emiko , laughs as she says this . (eng)

60707 登上 非洲 乞力 马扎罗山 顶峰 历史 最早 到达 北极 到达 南极 摩托车 完成 冒险 旅行 风间

Kazama has a number of daredevil feats to his credit , including motorcycling his way to the top of Africa_'s_Mount_Kilimanjaro and being the first to reach the North and South_Poles by motorcycle . (eng)

61025 外出 做工 家庭 多半 电视 摩托车 但是 丈夫 写到 工作 辛苦 回家

Most of the households who have someone working elsewhere have bought TVs or motorbikes , but in his letters the husband writes , " The work is hard . I want to go home . " (eng)

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