8 Results for: (Concept:03679712-n)
10013 She is waiting now in the sitting-room .
10019 I rapidly threw on my clothes and was ready in a few minutes to accompany my friend down to the sitting-room .
10100 The bedrooms in this wing are on the ground floor , the sitting-rooms being in the central block of the buildings .
10451 Sherlock Holmes and I had no difficulty in engaging a bedroom and sitting-room at the Crown Inn .
10455 The trap drove on , and a few minutes later we saw a sudden light spring up among the trees as the lamp was lit in one of the sitting-rooms .
13228 It was furnished partly as a sitting- and partly as a bedroom , with flowers arranged daintily in every nook and corner .
61113 At around 3:50 p.m. , December 31 , Jiro_Kato , a waste recycler from Kawabe-cho , Higashi-kujo , Minami-ku_of_Kyoto_City , dialed the emergency number to report , " A glass doll case in the living room on the first floor of my house is broken , and there is a crater in the wall that seems like a bullet hole . "
61114 The Kujo_Police_Station found three bullet holes in all , the one in the living room , shot through the shutter and glass window to lodge in the wall ; one in the eaves of the second-floor roof ; and another on the outer wall .

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