7 Results for: (Concept:03679712-n)
11018 现在 正在 起居室 等候

" I see no connection . " (eng)

11025 匆匆 穿上 衣服 分钟 准备 就绪 随同 朋友 来到 楼下 起居室

He tossed a sheet of paper upon the table , and turned once more to his chemical analysis . (eng)

11121 耳房 卧室 起居室 房子 中间 部位

But this particular sample is so short that I can do nothing , and the facts which you have brought me are so indefinite that we have no basis for an investigation . (eng)

11466 歇洛克·福尔摩斯 什么 克朗 旅店 卧室 起居室

Now it becomes : AM HERE A.E SLANE . (eng)

11471 过一会儿 我们 看到 树丛 突然 照耀 灯光 原来 起居室 点上

I had so many letters now that I could proceed with considerable confidence to the second message , which worked out in this fashion : A . ELRI.ES . (eng)

61113 三十一日 下午 三点五十分 左右 京都 市南区 边町 经营 废品 回收 加藤 二郎 110 报警 自家 起居室 装有 娃娃 玻璃 盒子 打碎 弹痕

At around 3:50 p.m. , December 31 , Jiro_Kato , a waste recycler from Kawabe-cho , Higashi-kujo , Minami-ku_of_Kyoto_City , dialed the emergency number to report , " A glass doll case in the living room on the first floor of my house is broken , and there is a crater in the wall that seems like a bullet hole . " (eng)

61114 [ 警署 调查 穿透 起居室 木窗 玻璃窗 射到 洞穴 屋顶 房檐 外墙 弹痕

The Kujo_Police_Station found three bullet holes in all , the one in the living room , shot through the shutter and glass window to lodge in the wall ; one in the eaves of the second-floor roof ; and another on the outer wall . (eng)

Language:    Concept:    C-lemma:    Word:    Lemma: SID (from): SID (to):    Sentiment:    POS: ? POS: ? POS: ? POS: ? POS: ? POS: ? POS: ? Limit:   

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