10 Results for: (Concept:03602365-n)
60954 新建 寺院 学校 年轻 培养 伊斯兰 心灵

" We 've built a new school and a new temple . Islam is being cultivated in the younger generations . " (eng)

61110 另外 新年 拜神 人们 奔向 神社 寺院

At the same time , temples and shrines nationwide were filled with people paying the first visit of the year . (eng)

100295 寺庙 设计 针对 造型 纪念 古迹 方案 进行 大量 调查 确保 真实 历史 精准 相合

The temple prides itself on the research made to ensure accuracy and authenticity on the design and monuments found here . (eng)

101527 寺庙 平方米 占地 区域 最初 富有 福建 金榜 所有

The 40,000 square-metre site was originally owned by Low_Kim_Pong , a wealthy Chinese Hokkien merchant and devout Buddhist who donated the land after a dream led him to a chance meeting with a family that had taken Buddhist vows . (eng)

101529 佛教 寺庙 1908 最终 完工 表达 佛陀 出生 涅槃 纪念 因而 全国 具有 相当 纪念 意义

A national monument , this Buddhist temple was completed in 1908 and commemorates Buddha 's birth and death . (eng)

101530 寺庙 大门 精雕细琢 穿 进入 庭院 之内 信步 期间 无数 细致 佛像 肃然起敬

The temple has an elaborately decorated gateway , reached by a bridge , which opens into a courtyard . (eng) Take a walk in the courtyard to admire the numerous beautifully carved Buddhas on display . (eng)

102345 作为 新加坡 出名 香客 佛教 寺庙 释迦牟尼 菩提 迦耶 通常 称作 寺院

One of the most prominent and widely visited Buddhist temples in Singapore , The_Sakya_Muni_Buddha_Gaya_Temple is often referred to as the Temple of 1,000 Lights . (eng)

102345 作为 新加坡 出名 香客 佛教 寺庙 释迦牟尼 菩提 迦耶 通常 称作 寺院

One of the most prominent and widely visited Buddhist temples in Singapore , The_Sakya_Muni_Buddha_Gaya_Temple is often referred to as the Temple of 1,000 Lights . (eng)

102346 寺庙 1927 泰国 僧人 Vutthisara 修建 因此 建筑 装饰 可见 深厚 泰式 风格 影响

Founded in 1927 by a Thai monk called Vutthisara , you 'll notice the strong Thai influences in the architecture and décor . (eng)

102347 步入 寺庙 首先 眼帘 15 宏伟 佛像 周围 环绕 无边 无尽 灯光

Walk into the temple and you 'll immediately notice the majestic 15- metre high statue of Buddha , surrounded by a seemingly endless chain of lights . (eng)

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