10 Results for: (Concept:03492087-n)
11141 We had not long to wait , for our Norfolk squire came straight from the station as fast as a hansom could bring him .
13396 We hired a hansom , and in half an hour we were at the address which had been given to us .
13607 ' She explains that by the difference between a ' bus and a hansom . '
13844 And my words were true , for shortly after eight a hansom dashed up to the door and our friend got out of it .
18710 In the morning you will send for a hansom , desiring your man to take neither the first nor the second which may present itself .
18711 Into this hansom you will jump , and you will drive to the Strand end of the Lowther Arcade , handing the address to the cabman upon a slip of paper , with a request that he will not throw it away .
18722 With a few hurried words as to our plans for the morrow he rose and came out with me into the garden , clambering over the wall which leads into Mortimer Street , and immediately whistling for a hansom , in which I heard him drive away .
18724 A hansom was procured with such precautions as would prevent its being one which was placed ready for us , and I drove immediately after breakfast to the Lowther Arcade , through which I hurried at the top of my speed .
46456 An instant afterwards he gave a little cry of satisfaction , and , following the direction of his eager eyes , I saw that a hansom cab with a man inside which had halted on the other side of the street was now walking slowly onwards again .
46724 Setting aside the whole grim story of Sir Charles 's death , we had a line of inexplicable incidents all within the limits of two days , which included the receipt of the printed letter , the black- bearded spy in the hansom , the loss of the new brown boot , the loss of the old black boot , and now the return of the new brown boot .

Language:    Concept:    C-lemma:    Word:    Lemma: SID (from): SID (to):    Sentiment:    POS: ? POS: ? POS: ? POS: ? POS: ? POS: ? POS: ? Limit:   

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