10 Results for: (Concept:03169390-n)
100419 Scarlet 精品 酒店 位于 Erskine 奢侈 华丽 装饰 营造 大胆 不羁 风格

The Scarlet is a bold and uninhibited hotel located along Erskine_Road , and features plush and opulent décor . (eng)

100480 著名 牛车水 街道 妆点 张灯结彩 灯火 辉煌 夜市 流光溢彩 装饰品 相映成趣 新加坡 农历 新年 庆祝 活动 焦点

One such precinct is Chinatown , which , with its stunning street light-ups , night markets and decorations , is the focal point for Chinese_New_Year celebrations in Singapore . (eng)

100540 时装 纷纷 临时 搭建 彩灯 节日 饰品 装点 五彩缤纷 舞台 等待 本地 模特 登台 表演 —— 圣诞 季节 时髦 节目 城市 增添 节日 喜庆

And for fashion fans , look out for the colourful make-shift stages which are decked out in glittering lights and decorative baubles , all ready for local and regional models to strut across them in the season 's trendiest style offerings adding to the already bustling festival vibe in the city . (eng)

100713 装饰 精美 龙舟 乘风破浪 疾驰 水面 时候 尽情 欢呼

Show your support and cheer as the beautifully decorated boats splash and race across the surface of the water , and witness a whole range of ancient rites that are still performed here , including the showering of the dragon head of the boat before each race . (eng)

101242 新加坡 各种 家居 饰品 商店 购买 自己 钟爱 物件 自己 不时 模样

Give your home a makeover from time to time with supplies from an array of home furnishing stores in Singapore . (eng)

101278 生猛 海鲜 餐厅 拥有 时尚 外观 采用 雅致 深色 木器 装饰 食客 提供 传统

Specialising in live seafood , this modern restaurant , with its elegant dark wood interiors , serves traditional Cantonese fare . looking (eng)

101304 可以 印度 看看 那里 教堂 金饰 以及 销售 各种 印度 进口 蔬菜 装饰品 祷告 物品 商品 店辅

Pay a visit to Little India and see the temples, goldsmiths and other shops that sell a variety of items from imported Indian vegetables, accessories, prayer items and more. (eng)

101534 商品 家庭 装饰品 玲琅满目 应有尽有 因此 总是 人流 人声鼎沸

Practically bursting at the seams , you 'll find a massive range of collectibles and home décor items here . (eng)

101953 东陵 设有 出售 服装 饰品 家具 古董 各种 商品 专卖店

Just a stone 's throw away from the Regent_Hotel , Tanglin_Shopping_Centre houses specialty stores selling an assortment of products such as beadwork , clothes , accessories , furniture and antiques , while arts and crafts galleries such as the Asia_Ancient_Gallery can also be found here . (eng)

102105 今天 鲁玛 比比 精品 找到 做工 精美 土生 华人 时装 装饰品 而且 这个 整饬一新 店铺 随处 可见 精致 木雕 家居 用品

Today, you’ll find beautiful Peranakan fashion and decorative items at Rumah Bebe, which comes replete with intricate woodcarvings and furnishing in the beautifully restored house. (eng)

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Developers: Luís Morgado da Costa <lmorgado.dacosta@gmail.com> ; Francis Bond <bond@ieee.org>