8 Results for: (Concept:03153255-a)
61439 注目 意大利 再生

We are looking at Italy 's recovery with anticipation . (eng)

61453 执政党 自民党 也许 因为 实现 重返 政权 放心 使得 时间 再生 热情 他们 改革 应景 加以 修改 敷衍 只是 一味 追求 维持 政权

In the meantime , the Liberal_Democratic_Party , the other ruling party , has cooled down from its temporary excitement over the rebirth of the party , possibly due to the sense of security brought by the party 's return to power , glossed over the party reform with perfunctory revisions , and is making a frantic effort to stay in power . (eng)

61848 但是 河野 总裁 悲壮 决心 国会 议员 党员 一起 发誓 致力于 再生 实行 没有

However , we want to ask if the party revitalization efforts sworn by President_Kono along with party members in the Diet , have been carried out with heroic resolve ? (eng)

61850 大会 提交 基本 问题 调查会 汇总 争取 再生 理念 纲领 宣言 基本 文件 草案 但是 坦率 再生 相差甚远 缺乏 紧迫感 感染力 文字 罗列

While the draft of basic statements such as " party principles , " " new mission statement , " and " new declaration " prepared by the party fundamentals investigation committee aiming for the revitalization of the party will be proposed at the convention , to be frank , these are nothing but a lineup of lax and feeble words that can not be less related to the rejuvenation of the party . (eng)

61850 大会 提交 基本 问题 调查会 汇总 争取 再生 理念 纲领 宣言 基本 文件 草案 但是 坦率 再生 相差甚远 缺乏 紧迫感 感染力 文字 罗列

While the draft of basic statements such as " party principles , " " new mission statement , " and " new declaration " prepared by the party fundamentals investigation committee aiming for the revitalization of the party will be proposed at the convention , to be frank , these are nothing but a lineup of lax and feeble words that can not be less related to the rejuvenation of the party . (eng)

61860 总体 而论 感觉 自民党 沦为 在野党 笼罩 危机感 付诸于党 再生 热情 由于 回归 政权 伤疤

In general , now that they have returned to power , the sense of crisis that hung over the party when it fell to the status of opposition party and the excitement over the rejuvenation of the party have all but evaporated , as if to say all is forgotten once the danger has passed . (eng)

61864 自民党 必须 深刻 认识 现状 大会 开成 回到 宣誓 再生 改革 出发点 彻底 讨论 大会

The LDP must strictly recognize the current situation of the party , go back to square one where they pledged for rejuvenation and reform , and make the convention a forum to thoroughly examine these issues . (eng)

62091 就是说 条件 西方 援助 俄罗斯 再生

Contingent on the foregoing , it was agreed that the West would provide assistance to Russia 's rebirth . (eng)

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