5 Results for: (Concept:03122750-a)
100252 泰米尔语 婆罗多 曲调 表情 节奏 组成 表明 舞蹈 因素 组成

As depicted by its name in Tamil , the Bharatanatyam is a combination of music , expression and rhythm , and is known for the grace with which it is administered , and the statuesque poses that punctuate almost every movement . (eng)

101366 Chulias 来自 印度 科罗曼代尔 海岸 泰米尔 教徒

Built in 1826 , the Jamae_Chulia_Mosque was the first of three mosques in Chinatown erected by the Chulias , who were Tamil_Muslims from the Coromandel_Coast_of_Southern_India . (eng)

102140 不过 新加坡 丰收 为了 迎接 泰米尔 Thai 到来 每年 1 月中

Here in Singapore , the Pongal_Festival welcomes the beginning of the 10th Tamil month , called Thai , which falls in mid-January each year . (eng)

102793 大宝森 Thaipusam 象征 意义 新加坡 泰米尔 社区 特别 推崇 印度教 节日

Thaipusam is a highly symbolic Hindu festival celebrated by Singapore's Tamil community . (eng)

102796 节日 泰米尔 10 称为 Thai 满月 —— 每年 1 月中 举行

Celebrated in honour of Lord_Subrahmanya ( also known as Lord_Murugan ) , who represents virtue , youth and power to Hindus and is the destroyer of evil , it is held during the full moon in the 10th Tamil month , called Thai , which falls in mid-January each year . (eng)

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