10 Results for: (Concept:03083069-a)
100193 Previously known as Kandang_Kerbau , the centre is used by Chinese vendors , Indian stall owners and Malay retailers , and sells everything from casual clothing , hardware tools and religious paraphernalia , to traditional Indian fashion and watches .
100212 Representing the best of Malay culinary tradition , Rumah_Makan_Minang is run by the children of Hajjah_Rosemah_Binte_Mailu , the owner of Sabar_Menanti_Restaurant .
100213 Located in the Malay heritage district of Kampong_Glam , Rumah_Makan_Minang has views of the Sultan_Mosque and the Malay_Heritage_Centre .
100480 It is a unique blend of English , Chinese , Malay , Tamil and local dialects .
100726 The four official languages in Singapore 's constitution are English , Chinese , Malay and Tamil .
100727 However , in recognition of the status of the Malay people as the indigenous community in Singapore , the national language of the country is Bahasa_Melayu , or the Malay Language .
100728 The presence of other languages , especially the varieties of Malay and Chinese , has obviously had an influence on the type of English that is used in Singapore .
100730 A badge of identity for many Singaporeans , it represents a hybrid form of the language that includes words from Malay , as well as Chinese and Indian languages .
100790 Enclosed by a high wall , the Hajjah_Fatimah_Mosque compound comprises a prayer hall , a mausoleum ( where Hajjah_Fatimah is buried ) , the quarters of an Imam ( Malay priest ) , an ablution area , several annexes and a garden .
101247 Geylang_Serai is another predominantly Malay precinct in Singapore , and has been so since the mid- nineteenth century when ethnic Malays and Indonesians arrived here to work at its processing factories and farms .

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Developers: Luís Morgado da Costa <lmorgado.dacosta@gmail.com> ; Francis Bond <bond@ieee.org>