8 Results for: (Concept:03051619-a)
60054 带来 奇迹般 经济 发展 官僚 主导 体系 反而 成为 障碍 陷入 机能 状态

The bureaucrat-led system that brought about miraculous economic growth has now become an obstacle and even causes malfunctioning of the system . (eng)

61141 而且 是否 忘记 政治 不同于 官僚 组织 可以 国民 直接 把握 组织 结构

Additionally , have we misplaced the mechanism where , unlike the bureaucratic institution , people can have direct control over politics ? (eng)

61171 通产 官僚 时代 提倡 商人 国家 天谷直弘

It was Mr._Naohiro_Amaya who preached the " Chonin_Kokka_Ron " during his tenure as an official at the Ministry_of_International_Trade and Industry . (eng)

61207 运输 官僚 没有 认识 运送 货物 需求 已经 趋于 少量化 产业 需求 转换 消费者 需求

The bureaucrats in the Transport_Ministry had not become aware that the demand for the transport of goods was shifting toward " smaller lots , " was undergoing a shift , in other words , from " industrial demand " toward much greater " consumer demand . " (eng)

61208 也许 官僚 阻碍 民间 企业 发挥 创造性 例子

This is surely an example of how bureaucrats have obstructed creative ideas put forward by private enterprises . (eng)

61211 现在 官僚 管理 产业 时代

It is not the sort of age where bureaucrats should control business and industry . (eng)

61219 如果 加上 官僚 议员 再次 形成 铁三角

If links are made with certain segments of the bureaucracy and Diet members who are beholden to special interests , one could see a rebuilding of " special interest triangles " involving politicians , bureaucrats , and business elements . (eng)

61660 惟命 首相 但是 外务 官僚 坚持 访 理由 究竟 何在

We are unimpressed with the prime minister who does whatever he is told , but what made the bureaucrats at the Foreign_Ministry so insistent about the visit ? (eng)

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