5 Results for: (Concept:03024132-a)
101324 Eurasian cuisine is a heady mix of Asian and European tastes , blending hot chilli flavours with milder ones like cinnamon and garlic .
101325 It is rare to see even the most expert of chefs going the Eurasian route as this type of cuisine is best prepared and enjoyed at home .
101326 However , if you 're curious to try Eurasian cuisine , then you 're in luck .
101327 Chef Quentin_Pereira has boldly introduced a menu rich in Eurasian traditional recipes including the Pork Sambal and Chicken_Devil_'s_Curry here at his restaurant .
101328 Babi_Assam , a well-known dish among home cooks in the Eurasian community , possesses the distinct flavour of tamarind , which makes this spiced pork curry dish a hot favourite among patrons .

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