7 Results for: (Concept:03018712-n)
100479 期间 城市 街道 生机盎然 随处 传统 音乐 随处 可见 大红 灯笼 高高 景象 遍及 新加坡 各个 社区 夜市 摊位 诱人 香味

During this time , the streets of the city come alive with the sounds of traditional music , the sights of hanging red lanterns and the tantalising smells wafting from the many night stalls set-up in various neighbourhoods throughout Singapore . (eng)

100493 其间 热闹 非凡 街头 表演 购物 游戏 摊点 灯笼 农历 新年 人们 喜欢 烟花 周边 地区 充满 浓郁 节日 气氛

Held on the Marina_Bay_Floating_Platform and the Esplanade_Waterfront_Promenade in mid-February , the vicinity comes alive with the throbbing beat of lively street performances , shopping and games stalls , lanterns and fireworks a crowd favourite during Chinese_New_Year . (eng)

101723 漂亮 灯笼 货摊 不一 形状 各异 灯笼 以及 花样 繁多 美味可口 月饼 绝佳 拍摄 题材 旅程 增添 色彩

101723 漂亮 灯笼 货摊 不一 形状 各异 灯笼 以及 花样 繁多 美味可口 月饼 绝佳 拍摄 题材 旅程 增添 色彩

102281 降临 舞台 便 随着 五光十色 花灯 拉开 帷幕

Watch and be amazed as the floating platform comes to life at night with magnificent lanterns portraying popular Chinese characters such as the God of Fortune and the animals of the Chinese Zodiac, each located at different areas such as the Tiger Mountain and the Panda Playground. (eng)

102282 装点 Tiger Mountain 熊猫 游乐园 Panda Playground 不同 区域 花灯 展示 财神爷 十二 生肖 华人 喜闻乐见 人物 形象

Watch and be amazed as the floating platform comes to life at night with magnificent lanterns portraying popular Chinese characters such as the God of Fortune and the animals of the Chinese Zodiac, each located at different areas such as the Tiger Mountain and the Panda Playground. (eng)

102284 吸引 眼球 盛大 妆艺大游行 以及 陶瓷 汤匙 制作 特色 灯笼

Floats from the Chingay Parade will also make their appearance, while other interesting displays that will amaze you include lanterns made out of sugar and ceramic spoons. (eng)

Language:    Concept:    C-lemma:    Word:    Lemma: SID (from): SID (to):    Sentiment:    POS: ? POS: ? POS: ? POS: ? POS: ? POS: ? POS: ? Limit:   

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