10 Results for: (Concept:02927512-a)
60203 破坏 受到 鞭挞 之刑 美国 少年 麦克・菲 压倒 英国 首相 梅杰 风云 人物 跃居

The top person of the year was an American boy named Michael_Fay , who suffered a flogging punishment for vandalizing a car , ahead all other " persons of the year , " including British_Premier_John_Major . (eng)

60818 成员 船队 奥运会 选手 美式 足球 教练 人才 济济

Team members come from varied backgrounds , including former Olympic yachting competitors and American football instructors . (eng)

61271 美国 实施 超级 超导 对撞机 建设 计划 取消

The construction project for the Superconducting_Supercollider ( SSC ) that had been underway in the US was cancelled over a year ago . (eng)

61361 然而 来自 菲律宾 印度尼西亚 俄罗斯 中国 美国 瑞典 哥伦比亚 十二 专家 参加 会议 发生 淘金 工厂 排污 引起 污染 留下 深刻 印象

However , specialists from twelve countries including the Philippines , Indonesia , Russia , China , US , Sweden , and Colombia participated and left the impression that the mercury contaminations due to gold mining or factory effluent have been observed around the world . (eng)

61397 顺便 比较 一下 法官 人均 人口 我国 44000 美国 8800 英国 1600 德国 4400

Incidentally , when comparing the population per judge with those in Europe and the US , while it is 45,000 for Japan , it is 8,800 for the US , 1,600 for the UK and 4,400 for Germany . (eng)

61578 河野洋平 外相 美国 国务卿 克里斯托弗 十日 华盛顿 举行 会谈 努力 推进 援助 朝鲜 民主主义 人民 共和国 轻水 反应堆 转换 项目 达成 协议 确定 二月 成立 [ 朝鲜 半岛 能源 开发 机构

During the talks held on the 10th in Washington , DC , Foreign_Minister_Yohei_Kono and Mr._Warren_Christopher , the US_Secretary_of_State , have reached an agreement on the efforts to promote the aid measures for North_Korea 's conversion process to light water nuclear reactors and have confirmed the establishment of the Korean_Peninsula_Energy_Development_Organization ( KEDO ) in February . (eng)

61583 欢迎 美国 北朝鲜 努力 同时 高度 评价 合作 体制

In addition to welcoming the effort of the US and North_Korea , we applaud the cooperative framework among the three countries , namely , Japan , the US and South_Korea . (eng)

61585 协议 约定 北朝鲜 达成 协议 之内 冻结 试验 反应堆 设施 美国 开始 提供 重油

In the US-North_Korea agreement , North_Korea has promised to freeze its nuclear facilities including experimental reactors within a month of signing the agreement , while the US has assured it will begin supplying crude oil within three months . (eng)

61591 对于 协议 实施 由于 美国 中间 选举 共和党 占据 国会 多数 席位 因此 看法 担心 协议会 落空

With regard to the implementation of the US-North_Korea agreement , there are concerns that it may go back to square one as the Republican_Party gained a majority in Congress in the US midterm elections . (eng)

61592 不过 [ 美国 国会 状况 来看 观测 似乎 终归 杞人忧天

However , in view of the situation at the US_Congress , these observations may prove unfounded . (eng)

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Developers: Luís Morgado da Costa <lmorgado.dacosta@gmail.com> ; Francis Bond <bond@ieee.org>