10 Results for: (Concept:02847894-a)
60062 " We imagine a terrible future in which one day the stock market suddenly disappears from Japan , " claimed financial institutions such as banks , security companies , insurance companies , and non-life insurance companies , and concerning the relief bank for credit unions that the government and the Bank_of_Japan established in the name of " maintenance of financial system order , " they are fearing that " using taxes for relieving ' bad ' financial institutions that lost sight of their responsibility in the bubble economy is being criticized by Cabinet members , because it may cause serious problems in case of failure . If this is the case , this will be a national-level crime . "
60062 " We imagine a terrible future in which one day the stock market suddenly disappears from Japan , " claimed financial institutions such as banks , security companies , insurance companies , and non-life insurance companies , and concerning the relief bank for credit unions that the government and the Bank_of_Japan established in the name of " maintenance of financial system order , " they are fearing that " using taxes for relieving ' bad ' financial institutions that lost sight of their responsibility in the bubble economy is being criticized by Cabinet members , because it may cause serious problems in case of failure . If this is the case , this will be a national-level crime . "
60062 " We imagine a terrible future in which one day the stock market suddenly disappears from Japan , " claimed financial institutions such as banks , security companies , insurance companies , and non-life insurance companies , and concerning the relief bank for credit unions that the government and the Bank_of_Japan established in the name of " maintenance of financial system order , " they are fearing that " using taxes for relieving ' bad ' financial institutions that lost sight of their responsibility in the bubble economy is being criticized by Cabinet members , because it may cause serious problems in case of failure . If this is the case , this will be a national-level crime . "
60273 Xinhua news agency says People_'s_Bank_of_China , the central bank of China , will raise the interest rate on loans to financial institutions , which we call the official discount rate , by 0.24_% on average , starting 1st .
60275 The financial services negotiations of the Japan-US_Framework_for_New_Economic_Partnership in Seattle closed on the 30th with specifics undecided , carrying the end result over to new year 's meeting .
60363 With Hong_Kong 's place as the financial and trade center of Asia and its rapid internationalization , the ' 97 reversion is not only of interest to residents of Chinese extraction .
60386 It is difficult for maids to obtain loans from legal financial institutions , as their social standing is considered precarious .
61277 The member countries ran into fiscal problems thus Germany and England asked Switzerland and France , where the facility will be located and would bring money into their economy , for extra contributions .
61280 In the case of the American_SSC , the construction cost had reached one trillion yen , and the US sought a financial assistance of 200_billion_yen from Japan .
61346 While the membership of rich neutral countries will be an asset to the EU , the accession of Central and Eastern_European nations , which are in the midst of the transition period towards a market economy system , would become an enormous financial burden on the EU .

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