10 Results for: (Concept:02792903-a)
61496 据说 地方 自治体 民主主义 学校 地方 自治 构筑 民主主义 母体

They say that local governments are the schools of democracy and local autonomy is the foundation that builds up democracy . (eng)

61522 尽管 实施 日制 改变 日制 前提 现行 学习 指导 要领 因此 也许 学校 正在 制定 上课 时间表 煞费苦心

As the new system will be implemented without making revisions to the existing Guidelines_for_the_Course_of_Study that was established based on the six-day school week system , it is not hard to imagine that the schools are having a tough time making the new class schedules . (eng)

61525 另外 减少 学校 活动 小学 高中 达到 5成

Furthermore , 90 percent of elementary schools , 80 percent of junior high schools and 50 percent of senior high schools among those that participated reduced school events . (eng)

61526 削减 空余 时间 学校 不少

A considerable number of schools have curtailed the " time for relaxation . " (eng)

61528 因此 现场 传来 这样 呼声 孩子 似乎 轻松 反而 愉快 活动 学校 没有 意思

Consequently , comments such as " children seem tired everyday , " " it has been even busier instead of relaxing , " and " events that they enjoyed have been cut back and school is not fun anymore " are being heard in the classrooms . (eng)

61529 学校 引入 日制 宗旨 理应 保障 孩子 教师 身心 轻松

The purpose of implementing the five-day school week system was supposed to provide some " breathing space " for children as well as teachers , both mentally and physically . (eng)

61531 应该 建立 这个 原点 之上 学校 日制

The five-day school week system must be based on that original intention . (eng)

61533 首先 学校 制定 时间表 需要 进一步 精选 学科 上课 内容 以免 定为 休息 周六 课程 追加 其他 日子

For a start , in setting up a timetable , each school needs to select the content of every class even more carefully in order not to make up those hours lost from Saturday school closures by tacking them onto classes on other days . (eng)

61535 此外 为了 确保 上课 时间 牺牲 学校 活动 应该 尽量 保留

Also , school events should remain on the school calendar whenever possible instead of being sacrificed to maintain the class hours . (eng)

61537 通过 学校 活动 可以 加深 孩子 之间 以及 教师 孩子 人际 关系

Personal relationships among children and between teachers and children can be deepened through the school events . (eng)

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Developers: Luís Morgado da Costa <lmorgado.dacosta@gmail.com> ; Francis Bond <bond@ieee.org>