4 Results for: (Concept:02781247-a)
61153 显然 如果 议员 国民 代理人 误解 对待 选举 制度 的话 不但 消除 金权 选举 利益 导向型 政治 而且 更加 蔓延 开来

If we engage ourselves in this electoral system with the existing misconception that Diet members are the people 's " agents , " it is patently clear that bankrolled elections and politics of influence peddling will spread further , instead of being eliminated . (eng)

61158 作为 清除 金权 选举 措施 之一 准备 试行 恢复 废除 根据 民众 诉讼 宣布 当选 无效 制度

As a measure to get rid of bankrolled elections , attempt to bring back the system that nullifies the election results by popular proceedings , which was abolished after the war . (eng)

61464 政治家 按照 选区 情况 随意 变更 党派 变小 选区 象征性 选举 战和 金权 选举 可能 中选区 严重 担忧

Politicians changed their party labels as they pleased depending on the circumstances in their ridings and there is a concern that the campaigns offering free frills to voters and bankrolled elections exceeding that for middle-sized election districts may become rampant in small districts . (eng)

61859 首先 必须 严肃 指出 使 河野 总裁 如此 力主 彻底 清除 金权 腐败 体质 提高 自净 能力 具体 措施 几乎 落实

We have to make sure it to be strongly pointed out that the specific measures to thoroughly clean up the party 's money-oriented and corrupt status and to reinforce the self-purification capability that President_Kono had urged have been practically left untouched . (eng)

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Developers: Luís Morgado da Costa <lmorgado.dacosta@gmail.com> ; Francis Bond <bond@ieee.org>