2 Results for: (Concept:02746978-n)
100260 巴什卡 艺术 学校 1952 历史悠久

With a long history dating back to 1952 , Bhaskar_'s_Academy_of_Arts has and remains the only Indian arts group in Singapore that 's supported by the National_Art_Council 's annual grant scheme , the city 's major arts fund . (eng)

100266 此外 巴什卡 艺术 学校 社区 中心 合作 针对 艺术 爱好者 开办 恩弟亚 音乐 舞蹈 课堂

And with yearly Kathakali tours in India , it continues to receive global support and recognition from audiences in Taiwan , Malaysia and Japan . , For those interested , Bhaskar_'s_Academy_of_Arts also holds Nrityalaya music and dance classes in collaboration with community centres . (eng)

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